

How To Calm Anxiety

Coping with anxiety can be a personal journey, as what works for one person may not work for another. There are numerous techniques that can be used to relieve anxiety quickly. Implementing these strategies into your everyday life can help not only relieve anxiety but to also manage stress effectively in the long run. Here are some ways to calm anxiety:

  • Deep breathing exercises
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Physical activity
  • Use CBD products

How To Calm Anxiety Quickly: 4 Effective Ways To Calm Down


Practicing deep breathing exercises[2] helps to regulate your breathing and activate the body’s relaxation response in order to overcome anxiety. Taking deep breaths from the abdomen encourages more oxygen in the body. It also aids in disengaging from negative thought patterns and sensations while helping to lower stress hormones.

The best way is to breathe in slowly through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth.


Physical activity[3] helps to relieve some of the extra adrenaline that can be experienced with anxiety. Whether going to the gym to lift weights or simply just taking a walk in nature or around the block, exercise can aid in calming anxiety and getting back to a relaxed state.


Meditation is another helpful way to calm the mind. Photo: Shutterstock

Many times when anxiety is experienced, it is because there are overwhelming thoughts and feelings about the future. Meditation, especially mindfulness meditation[4], was derived from ancient Buddhist and Yoga practices and an effective way to manage anxiety.

Mindfulness helps to stay focused and attentive in the present moment while also noticing the thoughts and feelings but not judging them and simply letting them exist. This practice helps calm anxiety and anxious thoughts at night and during the day while improving mood as well.

Use CBD Products

Although CBD products are sometimes considered controversial in today’s society, there is growing evidence that they might have anti-anxiety benefits[5]. There are a variety of products ranging from CBD gummies and sublingual drops to sprays and vape pens. There are also different types of manufacturers that have produced the best CBD vape pens for anxiety.

How To Calm Anxiety Attack

When experiencing an anxiety attack[6], it’s important to take steps to calm yourself down. Sweating, heart palpitations and chest pains are some of the notable signs of anxiety attacks and can be caused by certain triggers such as phobias, difficult situations, or an uncomfortable environment.

If managed poorly, these symptoms can interfere with daily activities and relationships. Below are a few strategies that can be implemented when experiencing an anxiety attack.

Try 4-7-8 Breathing 

First find a place comfortable to sit. Breathe in through the nose to a count of four[7]. Next, hold your breath for seven counts. Finally, exhale through your mouth to the count of eight. This method can be used when feeling stressed or anxious.

Use The 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique

Focus on your senses to bring yourself into the present moment[8]. Look around and identify five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.

Utilize Progressive Muscle Relaxation 

Tense and then relax each muscle group in your body[9], starting from your toes and working your way up to your head. This can help release physical tension and promote relaxation.

Stop Anxiety With Long-term Changes

Identify What Triggers Your Anxiety

Knowing what triggers your anxiety will be immensely helpful because it will aid you in knowing how to avoid any future anxiety attacks. Many times people or situations can make already existing anxiety symptoms worse. 

Implementing practices such as self-reflection, keeping a trigger journal, considering past experiences, and paying attention to bodily sensations during anxiety episodes can help to identify triggers when they arise. 

Meet With Friends

how to calm anxiety
Engaging with friends and family can help combat anxiety. Photo: Shutterstock

Meeting friends can be a valuable way to combat anxiety and make long-term changes in your life. Connecting with friends can help by providing emotional support, good distraction from anxious thoughts and enjoyment in the present moment. It also fosters social connection, encouragement and motivation. Lastly, it can give you new perspectives and coping strategies.

New friendships can be implemented by having regular social interactions, open communication, establishing healthy boundaries and showing mutual support for people, as they will for you.

Challenge Negative Talk

Replace negative thoughts with more realistic and positive ones. Remind yourself that the anxiety attack is temporary and that you have successfully coped with anxiety before. Using positive affirmations daily can help manage mood especially when feeling anxious.

Lead Healthy Lifestyle

Living a healthy lifestyle aids in overall health but it can especially help with anxiety. Implementing simple things like avoiding caffeine and alcohol, drinking more water, exercising regularly and eating more nutritional foods such as fruits, vegetables, proteins and healthy fats can be helpful. 

Decreased consumption of refined sugars and carbohydrates can also make an impact on anxiety and even mood[10]. In fact, there is evidence to suggest that even eating brussel sprouts can help ease anxiety.

Seek Professional Help

Reaching out to a mental health professional for support and reassurance can help overcome anxiety. Talking to someone who understands can provide comfort and help you regain a sense of calm, especially as you navigate through implementing other long-term changes in calming anxiety.

When To Seek Urgent Help

If you or someone you know is experiencing severe anxiety symptoms that pose a risk to their safety or well-being, it is important to seek urgent help. Some signs that may indicate the need for immediate assistance include:

  • Suicidal thoughts or intentions.
  • Panic attacks or severe physical symptoms such as chest pain or difficulty breathing.
  • Inability to function or engage in daily activities due to overwhelming anxiety.
  • Engaging in self-harm or exhibiting risky behaviors.
  • Feeling out of control or experiencing a sense of impending doom.
  • Concerns about harming oneself or others.

In these situations, reach out to emergency services or go to the nearest emergency room for immediate professional assistance. It is crucial to prioritize your safety and well-being, and trained professionals can provide the necessary support and care during a crisis.


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