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Merry Christmas all Readers!

It’s come round again. Christmas time. Emma and I wish you all good cheer and best wishes this winter season whatever your religious leanings are.

For the first time in many years my family will be split up on Christmas day this year.

My husband will be working on a boat in the North Sea and he is hoping they don’t serve sheep’s head for dinner this year. I’m not kidding. This is a Norwegian “speciality” and it is very much a Marmite thing. Another thing he can’t stand, but could be faced with is fish that has been buried for a while in the ground. Here is hoping that your holiday feast will be better than traditional Norwegian fare.

My diabetic son will be staying in London with his girlfriend so she won’t be spending Christmas alone. She is a midwife in a London hospital and has a lot of shifts rostered over the period.

My younger son will be travelling home for Christmas so we will have a nice meal of some kind but don’t intend to do our usual Gordon Ramsay’s ham in mustard and treacle as we will have Christmas dinner on New Year’s day instead. This is where my fantastic low carb/gluten free tiramisu also shines.

It will be a bit sad this year because two of our four cats died this year of cancer. One death was long expected at age almost 17 and the other was quick and unexpected at 9.5 years. The usual bevvy of expectant wee faces will be missing this year.

Recently I bought the Meta Quest 3 so I won’t be getting any expensive stuff this year (since I’ve already done the deed). I had bought myself the Quest 1 four years ago but it is now obsolete. I absolutely love the upgraded visual effects and expect the boys to love it too.

I hope you all have an enjoyable day, and if you are unable to celebrate on the actual day, like many other workers, patients, or simply due to transport problems, I hope your proxy fun day is just as good as you hope.


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